Why I Didn’t Marry My Ex ...... - Nigerian Man Narrates

Why I Didn’t Marry My Ex …… – Nigerian Man Narrates

by AnaedoOnline

A Nigerian business strategist, Stanley Ezinna has narrated how he changed his mind about marrying his ex after he went to meet her family.

He added that girls grow up to treat their husbands the same way their mothers treated their fathers, and that’s why he didn’t marry his ex.

He took to Twitter to share the story of the terrible state he met his ex-girlfriend’s father when he visited them.

According to him, the family neglected him and he looked like a mad man.



Read his story below….

“Girls grow up to treat their husbands the same way their mothers treated their fathers.

That’s was why I didn’t marry my ex in 2012.

Smart girl. Works with one of the leading banks in Nigeria.

Slim-thick, chocolate, tall and strong muscular legs, Face with tears of joy

Just how I like it

We were destined for the alter until I decided to see her parents.


We drove to her parent’s house in the villa. Coming into the compound I noticed a semi-paralyzed man at the corner of the house with sadness all over him.

No one paid attention to him and his clothes were dirty.

I felt he was a madman or something but was distracted by my girl’s mum and siblings circling around me with salutations.


We got into the house and as a solid Igbo guy, I brought one carton of omega schnapps for the father like tradition dictates.

On asking for the father to present the drink, I was told dismissively that he was the man outside and the mum wanted to accept the drink on his behalf.

I was shocked!



I asked my babe and she said it was a long story.

I ignored her and went to the man.

Introduced myself and gave him my present.

When the man told me his story, I wept. Brethren, pray that you marry a good wife.


To cut long story short, I confronted the woman and she was more interested in my bank account and how I will assist with their building project.

Suddenly some of my babe’s aggressive behaviors begin to make sense. Then we grew apart cos I refuse to do whatever the mother says.

Ladies, don’t let your toxic mum lead you astray.

So many ladies are unmarried because of their upbringing.


My two cents!“

See screenshots below:

Why I Didn’t Marry My Ex …… – Nigerian Man Narrates


Why I Didn’t Marry My Ex ...... - Nigerian Man Narrates Why I Didn’t Marry My Ex ...... - Nigerian Man Narrates

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