Public Complaints Commission, Anambra, Holds Valedictory Session For Their Boss Prince Samben Nwosu

On Wednesday, 19th May 2021 the Public Complaints Commission, Anambra Head office, Awka, was lit up as the Hon. Federal Commissioner, Prince Samben Nwosu delivered his parting words during the valedictory session held in his honour.

The capacity OMBUDSMAN reminded all present that His tenure of office was gradually coming to an end, thus He deemed it fit to deliver His valedictory speech. He listed His achievements as follow:

“The Commission under my watch, reviewed all pending petitions/cases and rolled out templates for accelerated interventions for appellants within the provision of law.

“In order to broaden our public enlightenment & frontiers, we employed modern communication tools & techniques which enabled citizens to take full advantage of seeking redress in the cases of administrative injustice.

“We formed a synergy with institutions and critical stakeholders geared towards improving the rights & working conditions of an average Anambra worker.

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“Through our timely interventions, the Commission under my leadership was able to give redress, doused tensions, and assuaged the aggrieved.

“We promoted justice and peace having presided over cases of administrative injustice which gave hope to the downtrodden and common man.”

The Hon. Commissioner thanked God for giving Him the wisdom and strength to shoulder the quasi-judicial burdens of His office against all odds and assured the staff of the Commission of His support anytime even as He forges ahead to embrace more national assignments.

He also thanked Anambrarians for the support given to Him as a Federal Commissioner and prayed God to bless our state in no distant time with a sagacious leader who will sustain the good legacies of governance laid by the past and present government.

The Director and Assistant Directors of Investigation, staff, and friends of the Commission contributed to the valedictory session by taking turns to eulogize the OMBUDSMAN for His transformational leadership which has projected and boosted the image of the Commission beyond measure.

We wish him well as he charts new coasts.

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