Vice-President Osinbajo Reveals Why He Visited Reddington Hospital

A source in the Presidency has revealed why Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, was at the Reddington Hospital, Lagos State.

Osinbajo’s presence at the hospital on Saturday had raised questions as to the reason why the number two citizen was there.

He spent no less than 4 hours at the specialist hospital as his convoy was seen entering Reddington Hospital Lagos around 10 am and remained there till around 2 pm.

The Reddington Hospital is a Multi-Specialist tertiary hospital that provides care in a wide range of areas which include Advanced Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Neurology, Gastroenterology as well as offering services in General Surgery, ENT, Paediatrics, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and other clinical specialisms.

Reddington Hospital Reveals They Treated Many Gunshot Victims From Lekki Toll Gate recalls that the number two citizen was absent during the funeral ceremonies of the late Chief of Staff, Lt General Ibrahim Attahiru and 10 other officers, who died in the ill-fated military aircraft that crashed in Kaduna.

But speaking to SaharaReporters on Monday, a presidential source said the Vice President was at the hospital for his annual medical checkup.

“He was there for his annual medical checkup and he returned to Abuja same day. He was in church the following day, Sunday and at work today (Monday),” the source said.`


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