Why Russia May Implement Stiff Sanctionary Measures Against Nigeria

Professor Bola Akinteriwa, a former Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, has indicated that Russia may impose harsh sanctions on Nigeria.

On Friday in Lagos, Akinteriwa spoke at a seminar titled “Russia-Ukraine War and the Imperatives of a New Global Order,” which was held by the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs.

Russia is adopting such measures, according to the former DG, because of two considerations.

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To begin with, Nigeria has already taken a position on its war against Ukraine, as well as voting against her in the United Nations.

When Nigeria’s foreign minister declared that the country should withdraw its soldiers from Ukraine, Akinteriwa said that the Nigerian government was displaying partisanship.

“Nigeria’s relationship with Russia is expected to be influenced by two reasons.

“Russia should remove its soldiers, according to Nigeria’s Foreign Minister.” That already has a partisan undertone.

“Now you’re accusing Russia of being to blame.” Simply by saying withdraw, you are implying that Russia is at blame.

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“The second component is that in the United Nations, Nigeria voted against Russia.

“In this instance, Russia is most likely to take into account those two facts and, as a consequence, impose sanctions on Nigeria.” He stated his case.

As a result, Akinteriwa encouraged the Nigerian government to obtain nuclear weapons and seek a larger nation that is crucial in nature.

He went on to imply that there is nothing wrong with gaining nuclear weapons, criticizing certain countries for doing so and claiming that others would be reckless with them.

Professor Eghosa Osaghae, Director-General, NIIA, Assistant Professor Efem Ubi, Professor Femi Otubanjo, and Ambassador Olusegun Akinsanya also spoke during the seminar.

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Dr. Joshua Bolarinwa, Dr. Rita Agu, Professor Femi Mimiko, and Mr. Bola Olajuwon were among the others.


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