This is the latest information on the official and black market exchange rates for the Pound to Naira on March 29, 2022. will keep you up to date on official pounds rates, as well as Black Market, Bureau De Change (BDC), and CBN prices.
What is the current official exchange rate between pounds and naira?
Today, Tuesday, March 29th, 2022, the official rate for £1 to naira is 545.2561/£1.
See How Much Pounds Exchange To Naira Today 18 January 2022
The exchange rate between the naira and the British pounds began at 545.2561/£1 on Tuesday, March 29th, after closing at 548.6389 to a £1 on Monday, March 28th, according to CBN statistics. reports that a pound is bought at the official market at ₦544.6004 and sold for ₦545.9119.
How much is exchange rate of Pounds to Naira in Black Market today?
The exchange rate for a pound to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) players buy a dollar for ₦770 and sell for ₦785 on Tuesday, March 29th 2022, according to sources at Bureau De Change (BDC).
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