AGN Speaks On Kenneth Aguba’s Homelessness, Reveals His Case Might Be Spiritual

Kenneth Aguba, a veteran actor, was not abandoned, according to Ejezie Emeka Rollas, national president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN).

This comes after pictures of the actor sleeping on the street circulated online earlier today.

In a statement shared on social media, Emeka claimed that the Guild’s Enugu State Chapter and a few of its members had helped the actor during the previous four years by offering accommodations and medical attention.

He scowled at the criticism leveled at the AGN since the images went public, calling it the product of haters.

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Emeka added that Kenneth was never abandoned and his recent condition could be a case of spiritual issue.

The statement read: “*DISCLAIMER* The attention of the Actors Guild of Nigeria has been drawn to an online viral picture of veteran actor, Kenneth Aguba living on the street.”

“The National President of the Guild, Ejezie Emeka Rollas wishes to state in clear terms that the Guild has never abandoned Kenneth Aguba.”

“Enugu state chapter of the Guild and individual members have been supportive in both provision of accommodation and medical interventions in the past four years to the veteran actor until his matter which could be a spiritual issue, degenerated recently.”

“The Guild just does not make public, issues regarding assistance to its members.”

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“The National President frowns at the shades thrown at the leadership of the Guild since the story went viral, describing it as the handwork of detractors which may not be unconnected with the present towering reputation of the Guild.”

“Actors Guild of Nigeria wishes to reiterate that it welcomes inquiries on issues regarding welfare of members, as the Guild runs an open-door policy and calls on the public to always verify their stories before expressing not-so-palatable comments.”

“Meanwhile, the National President wishes to thank good spirited members who have called to show concern and willingness to provide immediate intervention.”


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