Jungle Justice: Five Men Burnt To Death In Onitsha For Trying To Steal Tricycle

Five men were allegedly burned to death today in Onitsha, Anambra State, after attempting to dispose of a tricycle operator’s tricycle.

According to a source in Onitsha who told Newsmen the story, the men tried to take a tricycle from the owner in broad daylight before being apprehended.

According to the source, the incident occurred on the old Nkpor road, near the People’s Club headquarters in the commercial hub of Onitsha.

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“Mob who gathered after the men were rounded up, refused the advice of some people to call in the police.

“They first started by striping the men naked and beating them up, and eventually, some people brought old tyres and fuel, and they were set ablaze.

“It was a very bad sight today, and everyone watched and supervised, while the men burnt to death,” he said.

The incident was not confirmed by the Anambra State Police Command. As of the time of filing this story, a text message made to the command’s spokesperson, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, has not been responded to.

The state police commissioner, CP Echeng Echeng, has previously warned Anambra State residents against using jungle justice.

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Echeng has long argued that reporting suspected to police would aid in the investigation and determination of a suspect’s guilt before charging him in court.

On the contrary, in Onitsha, where jungle justice has persisted, many assume that denouncing a criminal court in the act will merely give them the opportunity to bribe their way out of jail.


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