Anambra To Adopt ICT Policy Framework

Plans are already under way for the validation of the Anambra State ICT Policy Framework, which will serve as a guide for creating a smart and digital state.

The ICT policy stakeholders’ engagement workshop, scheduled to take place in the state on July 6, according to Mr. Fred Agbata, managing director and chief executive officer of the Anambra State ICT Agency, will benefit the state.
He said that the workshop will review and improve the State ICT Policy Framework that the Agency had created.

He said: “Driven by the passion of Mr Governor, Professor Chukwuma Soludo, the Agency aims, through the engagement workshop, to harness the vast knowledge base of stakeholders in the technology ecosystem to evolve a state ICT Policy Framework that will serve as a road map to the implementation of ‘everything technology and technology everywhere’ in the state.

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“To ensure adequate participation of the targeted stakeholders, the ICT Agency has made arrangement for a hybrid session, entailing physical and virtual participation in the very important event.

“It is the belief of Mr Governor that Anambra needs to keep pace with the direction the world is going, which is technology.
“For this to be done effectively, ICT stakeholders need to commit to an understanding and engagement that will streamline activities in the technology ecosystem so as to deepen its penetration across the state.

“The stakeholders’ engagement workshop will herald the validation of the State ICT Policy Framework, after the valuable inputs of participants.

“As a proactive strategy to engender better understanding of the policy framework and seamless contributions by the stakeholders at the event, the State ICT Agency had advanced soft copies of the policy document to the participants.
“What we want to achieve is a policy that will serve as a compass for all ICT-related initiatives, following Mr. Governor’s approval to provide a clear blueprint towards building a digitally inclusive, innovative, and smart Anambra.”


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