UPDATE: Ezeokenwa Salutes Soludo’s Remarkable Palliative Measures.

Sly Ezeokenwa, the national chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), has praised Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo, the executive governor of Anambra State, for the extensive palliative measures he has implemented for the state’s citizens and inhabitants.

Barr. Ezeokenwa said, “Today, I am excited to commend the extraordinary efforts of our Executive Governor, Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo, CFR, for his exceptional palliative measures aimed at alleviating the hardships caused by subsidy removal. These initiatives highlight the unwavering commitment of the APGA-led government to prioritize the wellbeing of every citizen”.

“I am delighted that the Anambra State Government will be distributing rice to over 300,000 households in the coming weeks, spanning across the 326 wards of our state. This significant gesture will provide much-needed support to families facing economic challenges during these uncertain times”.

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“Additionally, Governor Soludo has enacted various measures to ease the financial burden on our people. Basic education, from primary school to JSS3, will remain tuition-free for all public schools, ensuring that our children have access to quality education without placing an additional burden on households”.

“To further alleviate the financial strain, the IGR payments of all transporters, including keke and minibus operators, will be reduced by 20% starting from September 01, 2023. This reduction will bring substantial relief to our transporters who play a crucial role in our daily lives”.

“Governor Soludo’s vision extends beyond immediate relief, as he lays the groundwork for a brighter future for Anambra State. The ambitious plan to build and modernize primary health centres across all 326 wards is a testament to his dedication in providing accessible and high-quality healthcare services to our communities’.

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“Furthermore, the government’s commitment to infrastructure development is evident through the construction of over 340km of roads across all 21 local governments. These road projects will improve connectivity, enhance transportation efficiency, and boost economic growth for the benefit of all citizens”.

“In another remarkable move, civil servants will enjoy free transportation, thanks to the Federal Government’s assisted CNG transportation initiative. This step ensures ease of movement for our dedicated public servants, allowing them to fulfill their duties efficiently”.

“Very importantly, the provision of free antenatal services and delivery services to pregnant mothers in state primary health centers and general hospitals is a significant milestone towards ensuring the health and well-being of both mothers and children in our dear state.”

“The rolled-out palliatives are numerous. Let us applaud Governor Soludo for his tireless efforts in implementing these impactful measures. His commitment to the welfare and well-being of Ndi Anambra sets a remarkable example for other State Governors to emulate.”

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“Together, let us support our exceptional National Leader in his quest to uplift the lives of every citizen and build a prosperous and livable homeland in Anambra State,” Ezeokenwa concludes.


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