Pope Francis Appoints Fr. Habila Daboh, Bishop Of Zaria Diocese

Pope Francis Appoints Fr. Habila Daboh, Bishop Of Zaria Diocese

by Victor Ndubuisi

Pope Francis has nominated Rev. Fr. Dr. Habila Tyiakwonaboi Daboh as the bishop of the Zaria Diocese in Kaduna State. Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic church.

The announcement was made in a statement posted on the Catholic Broadcast Commission of Nigeria’s Facebook page on Thursday.

Daboh held the office of Rector of the Good Shepherd Major Seminary in Kaduna since 2016 till his appointment.

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Daboh was born on June 10, 1970, in the Zangon Kataf neighbourhood of the Archdiocese of Kaduna, according to the statement.


After finishing his studies at Saint Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary in Makurdi and Saint Augustine’s Major Seminary in Jos, he was ordained as a priest for the Archdiocese of Kaduna on July 10, 1999.


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