‘Don’t Exceed Your Boundary’ – Mbaka Reacts Over Nsukka Catholic Bishop vs Fr Obayi

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka Warns Politicians: No Donations, No Bazaar Entry

by Ikem Emmanuel

In a recent video recorded during one of his church programs, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, the spiritual director of the Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Nigeria (AMEN), issued a stern warning to politicians regarding his upcoming bazaar. The message appears to be a veiled attack on a past incident involving the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi.

Last year, Mbaka had referred to Peter Obi as a ‘stingy man’ during the bazaar, a remark that garnered widespread criticism, especially from the Catholic Church authority. In response to this, Mbaka later issued an apology to Obi, as directed by the Catholic Bishop of Enugu diocese, Most Rev Callistus Onaga. However, it seems that the apology did not sit well with Mbaka.

In the recent video, Mbaka announced the upcoming bazaar, scheduled for November 12th, with a clear theme of “mega wealth.” He emphasized the importance of showing appreciation to God at least once a year through contributions to the bazaar.

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However, he issued a strong warning to politicians, stating, “Don’t come with someone who will be bad luck for us. Or someone who will come here to make trouble. Or someone who will come here that day and refuse to break cola.” The reference to “breaking cola” is significant in Nigerian culture and symbolizes a gesture of respect and goodwill.


Mbaka highlighted that the bazaar has a spiritual aspect to it and that participants would be expected to contribute to the event as an offering to God. He firmly stated that if someone refuses to participate or creates trouble during the event, they may face consequences.

He went on to express his dissatisfaction with the past incident involving Peter Obi, where he was asked to apologize, and the story was told as if the wronged party was in the right. Mbaka made it clear that he would not tolerate such behavior again.

In a final message to banks, Mbaka encouraged them to contribute to the bazaar, as he believes it is also a business relationship. He acknowledged the cooperation of Fidelity and Zenith banks in the past and their significant contributions. The warning, coupled with the emphasis on donations, underscores the importance of the bazaar as a significant event in the church’s calendar and its financial significance.

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