Bayelsa Guber: Labour Party Candidate Asks Tribunal To Declare Him Winner

Bayelsa Guber: Labour Party Candidate Asks Tribunal To Declare Him Winner

by Victor Ndubuisi

Udengs Eradiri, the Labour Party’s candidate for governor in the Bayelsa State governor’s race on November 11th, has petitioned the tribunal to have Timipre Sylva of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Governor Douye Diri of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) disqualified.

Rejecting the results, Eradiri maintained that he was the only qualified contender who received the necessary number of legitimate votes to be proclaimed the state’s duly elected governor.

Speaking to party supporters and ward and local government representatives at his campaign headquarters in Yenagoa, the state capital, Eradiri said he carefully considered the poll results before deciding to investigate legal options.

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He said” “After the election we said we were going to look at the issues, and I am here to officially inform the leadership of the party that we have gone to court, and we pray the court to declare me winner.


“The reason is that the two leading opposition parties , PDP and the APC, produced candidates that were not eligible to contest the elections, and I won the valid votes cast in the election, so I should be declared governor of Bayelsa State.

“There are issues of eligibility of the two candidates, and that is the ground we have gone to the tribunal. Many people have lost hope in the judiciary but that small thread we hold onto is the basic for me to challenge the declaration.

“After studying the entire process, I have decided to ask the tribunal to declare me governor.

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” With the spread of my 950 votes you will see that in seven out of the eight local governments, I got the constitutional requirements, so if you invalidate the PDP and APC votes , I should be declared winner.”

Eradiri stated that he would keep bringing up matters that impact the people and that he chose to seek the tribunal on behalf of the “suffering people” of Bayelsa.



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