One Year Not Enough To Judge Tinubu’s Govt - Bishop Kukah

‘This is a Severely Broken and Fractured Nation’ – Bishop Kukah

by Victor Ndubuisi

Amidst the extreme sufferings that Nigerians are experiencing, Mattew Kukah, the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, has expressed disapproval of the palliative care that is being provided to the country’s citizens.

All levels of government have responded to the elimination of gasoline subsidies and other economic policies with palliative measures, such as providing food to the needy, in an effort to ease the suffering across the country.

The cleric, however, has criticised the way in which these palliatives are distributed, pointing out that frequent mishandling and embezzlement of monies intended for this reason frequently prevents them from reaching those who are in need.

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In an interview with Channels Television’s Sunday Politics, Kukah expressed his worries, stressing the need for a more thorough and open government-led programme to solve the nation’s problems rather than only depending on band-aid solutions.


His words: “We need to see a much more robust programme designed by the government to help us go away from just lining up and collecting palliatives when we are not at war.

“I think it is the height of indignity to see Nigerians lining up every day under the sun and waiting to collect bags of rice, which probably never come, not because money has not been given but because everybody who gives out money in Nigeria from the Federal Government knows that a good part of this money is always stolen.

Speaking earlier, Kukah stated that the country needs healing, urging the government to fix insecurity issues.

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He said, “This is a severely broken and fractured nation; the evidence is before all of us. What we have been doing in the name of politics is picking up the pieces. The entire country is littered with broken dreams, hopes, and promises made and never fulfilled.

“There are more than half a million abandoned projects in the country. It’s a testament to the brokenness of our country. The country in the last 10 years or more has become almost a graveyard; we’re burying people in the hundreds, and we are not at war. We don’t need to explain further how broken our country has been.

“Nigerians are not looking for handouts. Ordinary farmers just want to go back to their farms. People just want to be able to get back to their lives. Ending insecurity is the beginning of this healing, and a decisive programme and plan to end it is the beginning of the healing.”


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The preacher went on, saying that instead of blaming the authorities or a specific person, we have to visit the crime scene and observe the variety of chances that were lost.



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