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Peter Obi Takes Umahi To The Cleaners Over Distortion of Facts on Coastal Road Project

by Victor Ndubuisi

The Labour Party’s 2023 presidential contender, Peter Obi, has angrily refuted claims of incitement against the government, calling them unfounded diversion.

Obi addressed the ongoing controversy surrounding his remarks and actions while serving as governor of Anambra State in a statement issued through his verified Twitter handle. The statement focused on the demolition of buildings to make way for the construction of the Lagos-Calabar coastal super highway.

“I challenge anyone to verify and show me where the demolished structures on existing roads or ongoing businesses were not encroaching on the road and built without government approval while I served as governor,” Obi declared in his statement.

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He stressed that rather than building new roads that would interfere with already-existing structures, his administration’s priority was to remove obstacles from existing roadways to improve accessibility and safety for everyone. Obi underlined how crucial it is to put current infrastructure maintenance and repairs ahead of initiatives that run the danger of causing inconvenience or even damage.


Additionally, Obi gave specific instances to support his governorship. In order to return the stadium to its original use as a sporting venue, he brought up the demolition and relocation of the Onitsha North local government headquarters, which was located on the only stadium still in use. In a similar vein, he emphasised the demolition and relocation of the local government building to make Onitsha South Stadium—the only community playing field—back into a recreational area.

In response to those who compared his activities on Brewery Road to the ongoing proposal to build a coastal super highway, Obi restated his position that he never advocated building a new road that would interfere with the existing infrastructure. He stressed that his administration’s efforts to enhance infrastructure while reducing negative effects on communities stood in stark contrast to the continued devastation and disruption brought about by the construction of coastal roads.

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Regarding allegations of incitement against the government, Obi firmly rejected these unfounded accusations, stating, “I refuse to be reduced to the level of those who wallow in ethnic politics.” He emphasized his commitment to fostering constructive dialogue and inclusivity, rather than engaging in divisive politics.

To sum up, Obi defended his record as governor and vehemently objected to any attempts to rewrite history for political advantage. He restated his dedication to fighting for the rights and welfare of every Nigerian and making sure that the needs of the populace are given first priority in development projects.


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