UPDATE: Alex Otti Begins Negotiation of 80 Megawatts for Umuahia

UPDATE: Alex Otti Begins Negotiation of 80 Megawatts for Umuahia

by Victor Ndubuisi

In an effort to acquire 80 megawatts of electricity for Umuahia, Governor Alex Otti has said that the Abia administration is in talks with the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC).

At an interdenominational Thanksgiving ceremony held at the International Conference Centre in Umuahia to commemorate one year in office, the governor made this declaration.

Governor Otti emphasised the commitment of his government to improving the standard of living for citizens and promoting economic progress.

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He stated, “We are trying to solve the problem of power in Umuahia as we continue our negotiations with EEDC,” Mr Otti stated. “When we achieve maximum output, we will have not less than 80 megawatts of power willed to Umuahia that will serve the city.”


“It is doable and by the end of the year, or early in the new year, we would have achieved it.”

Mr Otti said the Abia government under his watch would continue to do the right thing “irrespective of whose ox is gored,” he added.

In spite of criticism, the governor reiterated his commitment to making choices that are in the best interests of the general population. He gave his word that his administration would not let criticism get in the way of its goals.

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Governor Otti also recognised the important roles that religious leaders have played in fostering harmony and change in Abia State. He pledged that while providing Abians with democratic dividends, his administration would respect the ideals of equity and fairness.


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