igbo presidency former governor power igbo presidency

Igbo Presidency Doesn’t Exist, Says Okorocha

by AnaedoOnline

Igbo Presidency Doesn’t Exist, Says Okorocha

Speaking with journalists after he was sworn into the Senate on Thursday, the lawmaker said the south-east would have to work hard to earn the presidency.

The former governor had been asked if there is the possibility of the All Progressives Congress (APC) giving the 2023 presidential ticket to the Igbo.

According to him, “democracy is about the people and south-east alone cannot make themselves president.”

“Power is not given, power is taken, The south-east cannot just fold their arms and expect power to be given to them just because you want to power. Power does not go with sentiment some of the times, it’s on issues on the ground,” Okorocha said.

“So you cannot be talking about Igbo presidency, it doesn’t exist. We may be talking about Nigeria’s president of Igbo extraction but that depends on what other geo-political zones think about the issue.”

“For me, what is important is let power be given to somebody who has something upstairs who can put food on the table of common man irrespective of religion or where you come from.”


The former governor also said it would be “very surprising” to see the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)  appeal the verdict compelling it to issue him a certificate of return.

READ ALSO: Northern Leaders: Igbos Should Organise Themselves As Nigerians Not Igbos

“Duress means using mild or excessive force to compel someone to do something he or she does not want to do,” he said.

“How would you have done that in a returning hall where you have police, SSS and party agents? And in my own person walking with gun or machete asking them to write the result on my behalf.

“That didn’t happen. I think there is more to duress than duress itself.”

In the build-up to the last general election, Boss Mustapha, secretary to the government of the Federation (SGF), had asked the Igbo to endorse President Muhammadu in order to get the presidency in 2023.

The cable

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