death prank

Death Prank: Five Nigerian Celebrities Bloggers Once Reported Dead

by Choice Arukwe

While everyone is working hard to be famous, celebrities are complaining that the celebrity lifestyle is no longer easy as they have to deal with steamy streams of gossips from desperate blogs wishing them death.

These days, one sad truth about being famous is that people are trying to bury celebrities while they’re alive. It could be by mere words or death prank.

Some Nigerian entertainers have had to reassure fans and loved ones that they’re still breathing, through any of the social media channels or press conference.

Here are five entertainers who had to debunk their death rumours after many blogs reported them dead.

1. Pete Edochie

In 2013, a young man Hyacinth Ani shared on his Facebook wall that Veteran actor Pete Edochie fell off a 50 feet height mountain in Kitzbuhel, Austria and died. The news shocked everyone and many started broadcasting his demise on Whatsapp groups.


But reacting to the death hoax in a Youtube video Pete Edochie said, “I found it very amusing even though it disturbed my family and all the people who know me. Why I found it amusing is because I don’t fly and wouldn’t have gone to Austria on foot.”

Mr. Edochie wondered why people would want him dead in a hurry since he has not killed anyone. He said he has forgiven the young man and would not curse him because he learnt that people outlive those who wish them dead. ( He did not curse him)

2. Nkem Owoh (Osuofia)

Another victim of death prank is actor Nkem Owoh. False reports of “Osuofia’s” demise was in the news in 2008. Reports had it that Osuofia died as a result of complications resulting from the rupture of hard drugs he allegedly ingested in an attempt to traffic them out of the country.

Social media was not a fad then so a radio station in Lagos carried the news and announced the day his ‘body’ would be flown back to the country for ‘burial’.

However, while the rumour was still spreading, Osuofia called Mr. Ejike Asiegbu, the then president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria. In a statement issued by AGN on the matter, Asiegbu described the rumour as not only “malicious but criminal and an attempt to bring down a good and honest citizen who has contributed immensely to the growth of Nollywood.” But he (Osuofia) never briefed the media.

3. 2face Idibia

Innocent Idibia popularly known as 2face has been shot before but after his survival, he tripped back to normalcy but how did his death prank occur?

READ ALSO: Biography Of Yul Edochie, Award Winning Actor(Opens in a new browser tab)


In 2012, it was reported that 2face died in the Turks and Caicos Islands after a jet ski accident. But before the news could spread widely, 2face refuted his death rumour with a tweet. “One love my pple!! I’m good o! GOD pass dem!” And added a little later: “Nothing do me ooooo! I’m still intact oOooo!” His manager then also denied the story by tweeting: “2face is alive and well! ignore the lies pls-Efe Omorogbe Now muzik.”

4. Olu Jacobs

In 2013, bloggers wanted to bury a healthy Olu Jacobs, the news hit a lot of fans hard and the fake reports were shared by a lot of people before the actor was able to get online and clear things up.

Speaking to Nigerian Entertainment Today, Olu Jacobs laughed as he dispelled the rumour ‘I am not dead. I am alive and okay’, he said.


5. Eniola Badmus

Eniola Badmus was the latest celebrity that bloggers buried and waited for internment. A story had appeared on blogs claiming Eniola had been found dead in her home.

Debunking her death rumour, Eniola said: “Great people kindly disregard everyone saying Eniola Badmus is dead or in a terrible situation. I am hale and hearty. The pictures and videos are from my new movie, ‘Madam Cash.’ Watch out for it……Bless,”

She further asked: Bloggers, radio presenters, TV presenters, media practitioners why do you guys want me dead. Stop posting negative things about me. I’m not dead stop posting I’m dead. Y’all don’t want me alive? Well sorry to people that wished these entertainers death, they are still alive and starring in various projects.

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