
Flash: Unizik College Of Health Sciences Nnewi Provost ‘Suspected’ To Have Died Of COVID-19

by Brown Ebubechukwuzuloke

The Provost of College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus, Professor Okwudili O. Udemezue, is suspected to have died of coronavirus. reliably gathered that Prof. Udemezu died at the Isolation Center of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi.

Prof. Udemezu who died this morning was said to have been down of coronavirus close to a week now.

When contacted, the Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC), Dr. Joe Ugboaja, confirmed that the Provost died of the symptoms of Covid-19, however, he insisted that since the sample test result is not yet out, it cannot be confirmed that Prof. Udemezu died of coronavirus.

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