Gov Ayade Upgrades Motherless Babies Home

Cross River State Governor, Ben Ayade

As part of his desire and policy thrust to make life meaningful to all including the most vulnerables, of the society, the Governor of Cross River State, Senator Professor Benedict Ayade, has given directive for the renovation of the Orphanage home in Calabar.

The  Commissioner, Ministry of  Humanity and Social Welfare, Hon. Blessing Egbara, disclosed this while undertaking on the Spot assessment of the Ongoing building renovation Project of the Cross River state Motherless babies Home, on Tuesday.

Hon. Egbara, was shocked at the state of affairs of the Motherless Babies Home which was in a state of dilapidation and with so many leakages in the buildings, making life unbearable for the children and staff of the Home.

Before the present intervention by Governor Ayade, the Commissioner expressed sadness that the area where the children slept was virtually at the stage of collapsing.

“Honestly the place was in a very bad state, when I first got here I nearly wept, the buildings were almost collapsing on the children, the surroundings very bushy as if no one lives here. I quickly wrote to His Excellency and I’m really happy that today we can witness a new look Motherless Babies home”

The Commissioner further added that the roofs have all been fixed and the ceilings are all changed to PVCs which has made the place more comfortable for both the children and the staff.

“As you can see the Children are all smiling and playing around, it wasn’t like this when I first came here, so it shows that these children are finally enjoying the new change around the premises,” Hon. Egbara maintained.

Hon. Egbara assured that everything will be done to ensure the children are well taken care of and that security, man power, and a vehicle will be provide to the Home.

Speaking on the state of affairs around the home, the Officer-in-charge of the Motherless Babies Home, Uwanse, Mrs Ekanem Archibong, commended the Commissioner for her love for children and praised His Excellency Professor Benedict Ayade for swinging into action to salvage the situation around the Home.

She explained that hitherto to the intervention the leakages was so serious that and when it rains the children have to carry their mattress to a corner where the leakage was less, adding that the Children are really happy for the new mother they now have in the person of Hon. Blessing Egbara and disclosed that the children are truly grateful for having her, a woman who meets up to their demand.

“Things have really turned around since mummy came to this place, the children are more lively, the environment is conducive for them, they have water, there is a Standby Generator in case there is no public power, alot has really happened. I really want to thank the Governor, for reaching out to these children. it shows how passionate he is towards the wellbeing of his people, as you can see the project is still ongoing and we are really pleased with what is happening”

Mrs Archibong  use the opportunity to also appealed to the Governor to provide a vehicle for the Home, to enable them convey the children to the hospital in case of an emergency

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