House Of Moses Live On Social Media (Photos)


Season 1 of the ‘House of Moses’ reality show which flags off as ‘Ultimate Survival’ is sailing today 13th of march 2021 with 23 housemates, in search to find one Brain god.

It will be 100 days long with housemates facing physical and mental challenges frantically.
This quality will be backed by intelligence, knowledge, endurance, skills and determination and observed by Moses to discover a winner

House Of Moses Affirms Partnership Agreement With AnaedoOnline

Viewers also take part in selecting the winner and in the elimination process.

Everyone will contend selfishly and it is not without drama. Housemates will sacrifice comfort and characters to thrill the audience.

House of Moses: Contestants Begin To Arrive Abuja

‘House of Moses’ is an ingenious Nigerian reality show with less sensitive contents and violent language.

Please sit back and enjoy the show by visiting the following channels DSTV 262, GOTV102, STARTIME 116.


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