ASUU Strike: See Universities That Have Announced Resumption

ASUU Reacts Over Alleged Demand For N1tr From FG To End Strike

by Victor Ndubuisi

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has denied asking the federal government for a new N1tr as a condition for ending its strike.

Professor Emmanuel Osodeke, the National Chairman of ASUU, refuted the story of a massive payment demand on Sunday.

According to, Osodeke made the statement in response to claims that the academic union had issued a new monetary demand of N1 trillion to terminate the ongoing strike by University lecturers, which began on February 14, 2022.

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While recognizing that conversations with the federal government had made little headway, the ASUU president denied making such monetary demands.


“It’s not correct”.

“The outcome of that meeting was reported. Nobody mentioned N1 trillion. We don’t respond to all these rumours. What we’re demanding is coming after the government agreed to spend N1.3 trillion in 2009,” the ASUU president was quoted by The Cable to have said.

“It was to be released N200 billion per year for five or six years. They didn’t do that which is what we’re asking for,” he added.

Earlier, had reported that the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government has been accused by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) of showing levity in its negotiation with its members.

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The President of ASUU, Emmanuel Osodeke noted that ending the industrial action is dependent on the readiness of the Federal Government.



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