N224M Debt: Ten (10) Things To Know About Nnewi Catholic Cathedral Project

N224M Debt: Why Nnewi Catholic Diocese Decided To Take Over Building Of Cathedral From Senator Ifeanyi Ubah

by Brown Ebubechukwuzuloke

Fresh facts have emerged on the real reasons why Nnewi Catholic Diocese decided to take over the building of Our Lady of Assumption Cathedral Okwuani, Nnewi, which was believed to be single-handedly built by Senator Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah.

It will be recalled that Anaedoonline.ng earlier last week broke the news of the call of the New Bishop of Nnewi Catholic Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Jonas Benson Okoye who called on Catholic faithfuls within and beyond the Diocese to join hands towards the completion of the Cathedral.

Fresh facts have emerged that the decision of Bishop Benson was largely because of the indebtedness of Senator Ifeanyi Ubah to the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi, who is currently owing the Diocese over N200M.

Nnewi Catholic Diocese Takes Over Construction Of Cathedral From Senator Ifeanyi Ubah

Anaedoonline.ng learnt that Senator Ifeanyi Ubah is yet to refund the Diocese an estimated sum of N224M which Senator Ubah sanctioned the Diocese to spend in the building of the Cathedral, at different stages when he was not financially stable.


Giving a detailed explanation, a member of the Cathedral Building Committee who pleaded for anonymity for the fear of victimization said that the claim that Senator Ubah is single-handedly building the cathedral is false.

According to him, the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi has spent over N200M in the construction of the Cathedral at different stages when Senator Ubah appealed to the Diocese that he had financial challenges, he revealed that although Senator Ubah promised to refund the Diocese the money, he is yet to do that till date.

Giving a historical background on how the building started he said, “When our former Bishop, His Lordship, Most Rev. Hilary Paul Odili Okeke, started the move to renovate the Cathedral, the Founder of Cutix Cables PLC, Chief Dr. Ajulu Uzodike was appointed as the Chairman of the Cathedral Building Committee, a lot of prominent members of Catholic Diocese of Nnewi made donations, which run into millions”

Nnewi Catholic Cathedral: Chief Cletus Ibeto To Chair Building Committee, Promises Completion In 12 Months

“The day Ifeanyi Ubah came, instead of making his own donation, we were surprised when he said that he will demolish the Cathedral and build a new one under seven (7) months. The Bishop called him to ascertain whether he was serious, he told the Bishop that he is more than financially capable of building the Cathedral.

“Some prominent Catholics advised the Bishop against accepting the offer, but the Bishop felt that Ifeanyi Ubah was capable of doing that, and gave express approval for the demolition of the Cathedral”

“After months of several delays, he started the building at a slow pace. To cut the story short, in 2017, when Ifeanyi Ubah was about to contest Anambra Governorship election, Bishop Odili Okeke called him and told him about his desire to ensure that the Cathedral is completed before his retirement, he informed Ifeanyi Ubah that he have barely five (5) years to retire and it will look embarrassing if the Cathedral is not completed before his retirement, Ifeanyi Ubah told the Bishop that he was not financial buoyant that if the Diocese had some money, they should put it into the project, that he will surely refund the Diocese later, the Bishop being compassionate started approving some money for the project from the account of the Diocese”



Speaking further, he said, “When this started, when money each was to be spent, Ifeanyi Ubah will be informed, as usual, he will give approval and promise that he will refund the money. This continued till date, although at some point he will pay in some money, but he is still owing the Diocese over N200M, which is still in the record of the Diocese”
“In 2020, when it was clear that Ifeanyi Ubah was no longer committed in completing the Cathedral, Bishop Okeke started making appeal to individuals to ensure that at least the Cathedral is roofed before his exit, individuals like Chief Cletus Ibeto, Chief Innocent Chukwuma (Innoson), Chief Sir. Louis Izuchukwu Carter Onwugbenu and many others made donations, that was why the Cathedral was roofed and the Cathedral alter built”

On why the Diocese decided to take over the completion of the Diocese, he said, “When Most Rev. Dr. Jonas Benson Okoye took over from Bishop Okeke, he was informed about the debt of Senator Ifeanyi Ubah, he said that he was not interested that his desire was to ensure that the Cathedral is completed before the next twelve (12) months, hence the need for everyone to join hands to complete the Diocese, but it must be made know that it was the Diocese that was building the Cathedral, not an individual”


Speaking further, he said that he was surprised why Ifeanyi Ubah will keep saying that he was the one building the Cathedral when he fully know that he is not and he is even owing the Diocese if he was actually building the Cathedral. He advised the Distinguished Senator to desist from smearing the name of Bishop Benson, who he said is not as soft as Bishop Okeke, who condoned the lies and deceit of Ifeanyi Ubah who is currently representing Anambra South Senatorial District.


He however called on Catholic faithfuls to give the necessary support to the new Bishop who he said is determined to see to the completion of the Cathedral.



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