Peter Obi Supporters Storm Court Ahead Of Tribunal Judgement (Video)

Appeal Court Hearing: ‘Please Don’t Come To Court’ – Peter Obi Begs Obidients

by Victor Ndubuisi

Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the February 25 presidential election, has advised his supporters not to convert the court into a rallying point.

According to news reports, Obi will be physically present in the Appeal Court today for the hearing on the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) application to set aside an earlier order granted to both Obi and Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to inspect the Bimodal Voters Accreditation System, BVAS, machines.

Obi and Atiku had requested and received a Court order to investigate INEC materials used during the presidential election.

Presidential Election Tibunal: Peter Obi Reveals His Plan In Court Today

However, the INEC has asked the court to overturn the judgment because it may interfere with the conduct of the gubernatorial election on Saturday.


Meanwhile, Obi requests that his fans refrain from flooding the Court premises so that his legal team can carry out their duty in a safe and peaceful setting.

“As we go about seeking redress for our stolen mandate, I plead with OBIdients to respect the sanctity of the Court premises and give our legal team the space and peaceful environment to carry out their duties.

“The Court Premises is not and should not be turned into a rally ground. I urge the Obidients to go about their businesses peacefully,” he tweeted.


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