Decomposing Body Of Engineer Humphrey Found In Abuja Apartment

by Mercy Ulasi

Humphrey Nnaji, an Abuja-based construction engineer, was found dead in his residence in the Federal Capital Territory’s Dawaki neighborhood.

ANAEDOONLINE The engineer was reportedly at home when some suspects broke into the building, killed him, and then escaped.
Nnaji’s neighbors, who were ignorant of what had happened to him, reportedly called the police on Saturday after detecting a terrible odor coming from his apartment.

A local commercial driver who only gave his name as Musa claimed that when entering the flat, policemen assigned to the case discovered Nnaji’s remains on a chair.

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Musa said, “The engineer’s corpse was found in his apartment in the Dawaki area. The policemen came to evacuate his corpse on Saturday around 8pm. The corpse was already decomposing which means that the incident might have happened before Saturday. People in the area are still yet to come to terms with how the incident happened. The house has been cordoned off as we speak.”
A source in the FCT Police Command told our correspondent that policemen, while observing the crime scene, found a hammer beside Nnaji’s corpse, and a written note stating that the killing was allegedly carried out by one Alfa, who claimed to be avenging the death of his sister.


The source said, “The deceased must have been killed with a hammer. A sledgehammer with blood stains was found beside him. Also, the backside of his (Nnaji’s) head had a deep cut. He was seated on his chair with two pieces of handset charging cord cables around his neck.
“Also, a (written) note by someone who identified himself as Alfa was seen on his table. He claimed he killed the deceased to avenge the death of his sister and also accused him of using other girls for Yahoo Plus. “

Contacted, the spokesperson for the FCT command, SP Josephine Adeh, confirmed the incident, adding that an investigation was ongoing on the matter.

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