Woman Arrested Over Plot To Assasinate Ukraine President, Zelenskyy

Woman Arrested Over Plot To Assasinate Ukraine President, Zelenskyy

by Victor Ndubuisi

The SBU, the security agency of Ukraine, has detained a lady for conspiring to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by providing information with Russia.

The woman “was preparing an enemy airstrike on Mykolaiv region” during Zelenskyy’s recent visit, the SBU claimed in a statement posted online on Monday.

According to the SBU, the lady, who was not publicly identified, was gathering data, including the time and a schedule of the southern places Zelenskyy planned to visit, according to NBC.

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According to an SBU spokesperson, Zelenskyy was the intended target of the strike in Ukraine.


The SBU reported that it was made aware of the suspected scheme in a timely manner and that “additional security measures were taken during the visit.”

Under tight protection, Zelenskyy travels the nation frequently, stopping at battlefronts and liberated cities. He was the target of several aborted assassination attempts in the early stages of the conflict and was believed to be a top target for Moscow’s forces.

The Ukrainian army’s strategic assets near the town of Ochakiv in the Mykolaiv region, which the SBU claimed the Russians were planning to use to launch a significant airstrike on the area, were also told to be located, according to the SBU, which said it continued to document the woman’s actions to learn more about her alleged Russian handlers.

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According to the statement, the woman was caught “red-handed” as she attempted to provide intelligence to the Russians.

She was solely described as an Ochakiv inhabitant and a former salesperson for a military store. If she is found guilty, she could spend up to 12 years in prison.

Zelenskyy reportedly informed users of the Telegram messaging app on Monday that the SBU chief had given an update on the “fight against traitors”


Ukraine disputed the allegations made by Russia in May that it attempted to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin during a drone strike on the Kremlin. Putin hardly ever appears in public outside of Russia or even close to the front lines, in contrast to Zelenskyy.

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In recent weeks, Kiev and Moscow have been striking far behind one other’s defensive lines, and Ukraine’s counteroffensive has thus far failed to result in a definite victory on the battlefield.



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