Amazon’s Tests Digit Robot in Warehouses for Enhanced Efficiency

by Ikem Emmanuel

Amazon is in the process of testing a two-legged robot named Digit in its warehouses as part of the company’s ongoing efforts to automate its operations. The robot is initially being used to move empty tote boxes. This move toward integrating more robotics into Amazon’s workforce has raised concerns about the potential impact on the company’s nearly 1.5 million employees.

Tye Brady, the Chief Technologist at Amazon Robotics, believes that while automation may make some jobs obsolete, it will also create new ones. He stated that the aim is to eliminate repetitive and mundane tasks within Amazon’s operations but doesn’t necessarily equate to job cuts. Brady emphasized that people are irreplaceable in Amazon’s fulfillment process and expressed doubts about fully automated warehouses.

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Digit was developed by Agility Robotics, a startup backed by Amazon. The robot stands 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighs 143 pounds, and can carry up to 35 pounds. Amazon intends to deploy Digit in various ways within its warehouses, beginning with tasks like tote recycling, which involves picking up and moving empty totes once they are emptied of inventory.

This move into robotics is part of Amazon’s ongoing efforts to streamline its operations and improve efficiency. The company also recently announced the deployment of a robotic system called Sequoia in one of its Houston warehouses to speed up the handling of inventory and reduce order processing times.


Amazon aims to combine human and robotic efforts in its operations to make processes more efficient and effective, emphasizing the irreplaceable role of human workers. While automation will play a significant part, it is unlikely to lead to fully automated warehouses, with human input remaining essential.

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