UPDATE: Investing in Healthcare is Number One Development – Peter Obi

The Labour Party’s nominee for president, Peter Obi, stated that the healthcare industry is the greatest accomplishment any nation can take pride in.

During his visit to Hospitals for Humanity at the Cardiocare Multi-Specialist Hospital in Abuja yesterday, where they were hosting the “Saving Little Hearts Programme,” Obi disclosed this.

Obi took to his X handle and wrote, “Yesterday, I attended the Saving Little Hearts Program by Hospitals for Humanity at the Cardiocare Multi-Specialist Hospital in Abuja.

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“Statistics show that 1 in 100 live births result in congenital heart defects. With over 5,000,000 estimated births annually, about 50,000 children are affected.

Obi further stated that” According to Dr. Segun Ajayi of Hospital For Humanity, only an abysmal 300 to 500, or a maximum of 1%, receive treatment. This is very low compared to developed nations, where over 80% receive treatment and even other developing countries have much higher percentages.

“These low treatment rates result in multiple deaths, underscoring the urgent need for increased awareness, funding, and access to quality healthcare.

He also revealed that for ten years, the Hospital for Humanity has been the only organisation to offer free medical care to those in need of heart surgery.

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In his words, “It is inspiring to know that Hospitals for Humanity has been providing these services voluntarily and free of charge for the past 10 years, performing several surgeries so far.

” I have always believed that investing in healthcare is the number one measure of a country’s development.

He however urged the government to see the need to do the same and invest in the healthcare sector, stressing that himself is ready to do the same

” In the future, I intend to support their goal of reaching 150 successful cases each year in my own small way. I urge governments at all levels and wealthy Nigerians to also support them and do more for healthcare in our country,” he added.


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