If you’ve been hoping to go on a first date with an Igbo girl, we have some good news: your prayers have been answered. As you may know, first dates can be make-or-break moments when it comes to determining if a relationship will progress to the next level. So, it’s important to be prepared and come armed with the right tools. In this case, you need to be ready to impress an Igbo girl, as they have high standards and won’t settle for anything less than the best.
Understandably, you may feel nervous about going on a first date, and worry that all your carefully planned moves may not go as planned. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top five things you should discuss to ensure that your first date with an Igbo girl is a success.
Now that you have secured your first date with this Igbo queen, it will be a grievous abomination in the eye of the gods if your date were to be seated before you that is if you are not picking her up at home.
Our Igbo ladies are known for their elegance and chic-ness, and they want to know that it is appreciated. A compliment will go a long way in helping her relax and breaking the ice of tension surrounding the date.
You can take it a step further if you know your way around the female fashion by complimenting the various details of her outlook, trust me, our Igbo ladies love to know that their efforts had the effect they are gunning for. You can make little conversations about her outfit but be careful not to be too forward about it.
Get to know her
This is a no-brainer, getting to know your date should be the no 1 thing after the opening conversation. We know you must have had preliminary conversations with her via calls, text, or chat but nothing beats a face-to-face conversation.
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This is the opening conversation that will determine how the rest of the date will go. An Igbo girl wants to know that you are interested in her and talk about her passions and hobbies that she must have shared with you during phone conversations.
Whilst you are getting to know her, talk about yourself. Let her see the kind of person you are, Igbo girls like to know who they are dealing with upfront.
Igbos are generally family-oriented people, maybe it is their culture or part of their DNA. An Igbo girl is no different. Now, do you wonder why at the slightest struck an Igbo person is already traveling home for a family meeting or a get-together or something?
The easiest way to an Igbo woman’s heart is family, you can never go wrong with this on a date, at the same time you have to thread consciously when having this conversation as it can make or mar your chances.
Talking about where you come from, family background increases the chances of bonding with your date and goes further to help learn about each other. Whether you come from very similar or very different backgrounds, talking about where you’re from.
Want a great topic that can almost fill up an entire conversation? There may be no better topic than family. Because just like you both have your own unique passions, you both have a unique family history, which not only gives you plenty to talk about, but also helps you learn a ton about who she is.
So take the chance to ask how she gets along with siblings or her parents, or how often she sees her family. And don’t forget to also talk about yours.
Career Goals and Ambition
Now you are wading into the deep waters, the intense questions are popping up. An average of age Igbo woman is not just on a date for the vibes and cruise, she wants to know that you mean business.
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What are your short and long-term goals? Where do you see yourself in the next five years? If you are able to talk candidly about your goals and ambitions, it is a huge plus for you.
You don’t have to pull the big hat, talk about your little accomplishments and steps you are taking to be that man. She will be impressed to know that you’re securing the bag as the future ‘Oriaku’.
Relationship plan
It is important to understand that when dating an Igbo woman, you cannot simply take her out to eat and drink without clarifying your intentions. Igbo women take their relationships seriously and appreciate directness. If you beat around the bush, you may find yourself looking at her wedding pictures on Twitter before you know it.
After a date, it is important to communicate what you want from the relationship. Do you want a casual dating experience, a fun buddy, or a relationship that could lead to something more serious?
Finally, it is often said that money speaks louder than words when it comes to an Igbo woman. While this may not be entirely true, being generous and showing that you are financially stable is important. “Bute ego, Nwanne” (meaning “bring the money, friend”) is a popular saying in Igbo culture and can help ensure a positive outcome in the relationship.
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