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LATEST: Fire Raze Shops In Onitsha Main Market

by Victor Ndubuisi

According to sources at Onitsha’s major market, the largest in West Africa, a fire is currently blazing in a portion of the market.

Mr Obi Barth Ifediora, a market trader, verified the event to Newsmen, claiming that the fire has destroyed two blocks of stores so far.

The fire is alleged to have started in Kano Street, a sector of the market.

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According to reports, the fire began Monday morning and has resisted attempts to extinguish it by Anambra State firemen.


The chief fire fighter in Anambra State confirmed the occurrence, stating that when he was alerted, he immediately dispatched his troops to the location.

He said: “The fire started around 1ba.m., and I quickly deployed my men there.

“So far, they have gone to refill the fire trucks with water twice, and our men have gone to refill a third time.”

As of the time of filing this report, the cause of the fire was yet to be ascertained.


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