No Nigerian Perished In Earthquake In Turkey – Group

by Echezona obinna

According to Enifoma Ubogu, vice president of the Nigerian Community in Turkey, there have been no reports of any Nigerian casualties despite indications that some Africans may have been impacted by the earthquake in Turkey.

He said that the Nigerian community was attempting to send assistance, including “20 fit men,” to aid the Turkish government in its recovery efforts.

On Monday, a significant earthquake that struck much of Turkey resulted in hundreds of fatalities.
The worst earthquake to hit Turkey in the twenty-first century, with a magnitude of 7.8, took down entire apartment buildings in Turkish cities.

The death toll, according to Vice President Fuat Oktay, stood at 1,541.
In Diyarbakir in South East Turkey, a woman speaking next to the wreckage of the seven-storey block where she lived said, “We were shaken like a cradle. There were nine of us at home. Two sons of mine are still in the rubble, I’m waiting for them.”

She was nursing a broken arm and had injuries to her face.
Ubogu in an interview with ANAEDOONLINE.NG from Istanbul, said it was a sad development.


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He said, “Hello Brother, Good morning. Yes, it’s a very sad one here in Turkey. The earthquake really destroyed things. We have information that some Africans might have been affected, but we don’t know directly if there was any Nigerian affected at this moment.

“Another thing is that most of the Nigerians live in Istanbul and other parts. Hatay is a place where Africans live as well and it was affected, but we have no independent confirmation whether there’s any Nigerian that has been badly affected by the earthquake.

He added that the community was planning to send “20 able-bodied men” to help the Turkish authorities in their efforts to rescue those trapped in the rubbles.

“But just for your information, as a community here, we are trying to organise to see how we can send help as well. We are planning to send as many as 20 able-bodied men to help in recovery efforts with the Turkish authorities.

“Turkey is located in the earthquake zone, and so, it’s a common occurrence here. Before now, there have been quite number of tremors, even in Istanbul. Personally, I have experienced it, you just feel the house shaking, like somebody is trying to remove the carpet under your leg. So, everybody knows that this is a possibility in Turkey and unfortunately, there is really no remedy against these natural events. It is just for us to be prayerful and spiritual.

“At the moment, it’s not in Istanbul and most of the Nigerians are in Istanbul,” he added.



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