NPC To Announce New Date For Census Soon – Nat Commissioner

by Mercy Ulasi

A new date for the national census will soon be announced, according to Chief Chidi Ezeoke, the Federal Commissioner of the National Population Commission, NPC, who represents the state of Anambra.
Speaking to media professionals in Anambra State, Ezeoke told them that the Commission was ready to carry out its mandate.

He expressed hope that the nation’s new leadership will soon give the necessary funding to assure the exercise’s success.
We are setting the groundwork for the upcoming census because it will be the first digital one conducted in the nation, according to Ezeoke. We are hopeful that the incoming administration will use it for effective planning and development.

The Anambra State Commissioner for Information, Mr. Paul Nwosu said the state government welcomed the postponement of the 2023 population and housing census by the federal government.

According to him, conducting the census as earlier scheduled would have resulted to stampede, adding that the shift would afford the Commission the opportunity to perfect the project which would be holistic and acceptable.

2023 Census Will Not Be Tribal Or Political In Nature – NPC


He said: “I am aware of the number of meetings the Commission had had with the government, including enlightenment campaign targeted at educating the public before the postponement was announced.

“It is a good thing that it has to be suspended for the new administration because if they had done it at the twilight of the former administration and it would have amounted to a stampede, particularly in view of the importance of the exercise.

“Census is not something you do in a hurry. I want to believe that when the census will be holding eventually, it would be holistic and done the way our counterpart hold theirs.

“All those targeted to benefit from the exercise would now be captured and every sector will have a take-away. It will also offer the commission the opportunity to plan better and perfect the exercise.”

He commended the NPC for organizing the event, describing it as a demonstration of its confidence in the media to assist the nation ensure a credible and reliable headcount.


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