Senate, Security Chief’s Meeting Stall Over Absence of Ribadu, CDS Musa

UPDATE: Nuhu Ribadu Formally Takes Over From Monguno As NSA

by Victor Ndubuisi

On Monday, Nuhu Ribadu formally took over as National Security Adviser from Maj Gen Monguno.

President Bola Tinubu appointed Ribadu as NSA last week. Prior to his current post, he served as Tinubu’s Special Adviser on Security.

All You Should Know About New NSA, Nuhu Ribadu

Ribadu promised to live up to Nigerians’ hopes and praised Tinubu for restoring hope for a more secure nation.

Remember that under previous President Olusegun Obasanjo, Ribadu, a former police officer, was the first chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, or EFCC.



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