Anti Ndi Igbo

Anglican Bishop takes Governor Obiano To The Cleaners , Accuse Him of Being Anti Ndi Igbo

by AnaedoOnline

Anglican Bishop takes Governor Obiano To The Cleaners, Accuse Him of Being Anti Ndi Igbo

The Closing Ceremony of the 5th Synod of the Aguata Anglican Diocese was held at St James Anglican Church Uga on Sunday, the 5th of May, 2019, it witnessed the attendance of highly placed Anglican Communion personalities in Anambra State and Nigeria in general.

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The Closing ceremony was presided over by the Bishop of Aguata diocese, Rt Revd. Dr. Samuel Chukwudi Ezeofor who preached on a sermon he titled “A Lift From The Synod”, in the sermon, he went all out in his x-ray of critical issues that bother on Governance in Anambra State.


Speaking to his congregation , Rt Revd Dr. Samuel ,reminded them of how The Former Governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi “literally forced” Chief Willie Obiano on the people of Anambra State after convincing the people of Anambra state that all will be Uhuru as soon as he is elected Governor , but surprisingly, Peter Obi and Chief Willie Obiano became political enemies to the detriment of Anambra State and Ndi Igbo in general.


Speaking Further, he said, “We never knew it would degenerate to the extent that Chief Willie Obiano turned his back on the whole Igbo race because of Sir Peter Obi, by openly campaigning for General Muhamadu Buhari. It was a betrayal of the highest order, a betrayal of a whole people, a betrayal of his own people.”

“The insult Mr. Willie Obiano laid on the president General of Ohaneze Ndigbo, Chief Nina Nwodo was an insult on the whole of Igbo race and we call on His Excellency, Chief Willie Obiano to apologize to Ndi Igbo. It is not lost on us that the grouse they had was the issue of supporting Mr. Buhari against the Igbo people,” he said.

The Rt Rev, who was not ready to pull punches, blasted Governor Willie Obiano for Allegedly campaigning for someone who does not mean well Ndi Igbo.

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“We do not know how our Governor decided to become the friend of the man who wants all of us dead, the man in whose eyes a cow is worth a high premium and value more than a people, the man who has not hidden his hatred for the Igbo man alive or dead, born and unborn. We do not know how our Governor explains the stance he took against all of us in support of a clear Islamist to his close associates, but may it please the Governor to know that he wounded us so deep in his bid to stop his benefactor, Sir Peter Obi.”


Speaking on the Current Anambra Polity, Rt Revd. Dr. Samuel accused Governor of allegedly scheming against the members of the Anglican communion in Anambra State politically. Referring to the Last state house of Assembly election, he called it an “A daylight Robbery”.

He, however , congratulated the winners of the last state house of Assembly election, while reminding them the people of Anambra State are closely watching them.

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