COVID-19: Ghana Shuts Parliament After 168 Lawmakers, Officials Test Positive

by AnaedoOnline

Ghana’s parliament has shut down for at least three weeks over a surge in cases of Covid-19 among lawmakers and parliamentary staff.

Image result for Ghana’s parliament

The speaker of the house, Alban Bagbin, announced the legislature will be in recess until March 2 to make way for “disinfection and sanitisation of the premises.”

At least 17 members of parliament and 151 supporting staff have been infected with the coronavirus, which had already forced lawmakers to limit their assembly meetings.

“I have, in consultation with leadership, decided that sitting of the House be adjourned for three weeks,” the speaker announced.


The West African country has confirmed a total of 73,003 coronavirus cases resulting in 482 deaths and over 65,000 recoveries.

President Nana Akufo-Addo has banned large social gatherings such as funerals, weddings and parties and the country’s land and sea borders have remained closed to human traffic since March 2020.

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